Plymouth Sound National Marine Park

Connecting with people in, on, under and around the UK’s first National Marine Park


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Thanks to National Lottery players

Tinside Lido

The Plymouth Sound National Marine Park has been made possible thanks to money raised by National Lottery players through the Heritage Horizons Awards. These awards were developed to support innovative projects that will revolutionise UK heritage and we are one of five projects to be awarded the funding in 2021. Through this project, we aim to involve every citizen in Plymouth with the park. Reconnecting everyone with Plymouth’s rich natural and historic heritage through innovative activity, digital and capital programmes.

Over the past two years we have been in development phase, where we have consulted, listened, tried and tested ways of achieving our aim, ready for delivery to begin in 2024. We have lots of exciting plans for the future, stay posted by checking our latest news.

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Interested in volunteering?

We run a fantastic volunteer programme that helps participants to grow and gain confidence within Plymouth Sound National Marine Park in a variety of engaging and ways.

Our volunteer roster is currently full, but if you’re as passionate about PSNMP as we are, please sign up to our monthly newsletter above. We will keep you in the loop with lots of exciting updates and opportunities to get in, on, under and beside our beautiful national marine park.

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About us

  • Why should Plymouth Sound be the first National Marine Park?

    Plymouth Sound is one of the world’s most important and visually stunning natural harbours. It has multiple designations for protected habitats and supports over 1000 species of fish and other marine animal life. It is home to HMNB Devonport, the largest naval base in Western Europe, commercial ports, a substantial national fishing fleet, international fish market, commercial diver training, a global hub for marine leisure industries and an internationally important marine research cluster. It is a historic tourist destination; Plymouth and its people have played a vital role in the development of Europe and the Americas. Nowhere could be more deserving of special recognition at a local or national level. So many pioneering voyages of discovery have set sail from Plymouth that it is natural for Plymouth to be considered as the UK’s first National Marine Park.

  • What are the benefits of developing Plymouth Sound as a National Marine Park?

    These include:

    • Helping people engage with our stunning marine and maritime environment to promote health, wellbeing and enjoyment.
    • Reinvigorating civic pride.
    • Engaging new audiences with the marine and maritime environments helping to overcome the fact that 17% of children in Plymouth have never been to the beach.
    • Highlighting the extensive and diverse role of the Navy to the people of Plymouth and to the country.
    • Showcasing our world class marine science, engineering, and research.
    • Bringing together community, and business to raise social capital, trust and develop strong partnerships.
    • Exploring fishing infrastructure improvements, through close working with Sutton Harbour and the industry.
    • Supporting our Ports through strong destination marketing management and other economic development activity.
    • Helping our marine leisure industry use Plymouth Sound as a natural amphitheatre for events including; Fastnet, America’s Cup and the World Power Boat Championship.
    • Driving the visitor economy by embedding the NMP at the heart of the city’s Visitor Plan (2020-2030).
    • Raising the profile and extraordinary history of Plymouth internationally, driving sustainable tourism trade and research.
  • What does the National Marine Park mean?

    We have defined National Marine Park to mean an area where a group of public bodies and other stakeholders have agreed to recognise the following two objectives of:

    1. Enhancing economic, environmental and social values within the areas specified in the following subsection; and
    2. Promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of those areas by the public, in the way that they carry out their functions, and to liaise and co-ordinate with each other over those objectives. The National Marine Park is an intention for the signatories to work together.
  • What does the Declaration of Intent mean?

    The Declaration of Intent is the DNA of the UK’s first National Marine Park. It sets out the intentions of the signatories to work together within the parameters of their own governance framework.

    Firstly we want to locally design and deliver a National Marine Park that celebrates and amplifies all the unique features of Plymouth and encourages more people to engage with the marine and maritime environment. We also want to share our learning from this with national stakeholders and government so that what we do in Plymouth can be replicated across the nation.

    It is a significant moment as stakeholders across the City come together to support the proposal and provide a show of confidence that the City has the will and capability to develop a blueprint that can be replicated nationwide. The Declaration is however one of intent and there is a lot of work to do to develop and deliver the Park. This will involve further phases of stakeholder engagement and the development of a detailed business plan and sustainable finance model that will be formally consulted upon.

  • How is the National Marine Park recognised in local Policy?

    The creation of a National Marine Park for Plymouth Sound is already embedded in local policies.  The Plymouth Plan, which has been developed locally and extensively consulted upon highlights the City’s aspirations to create a National Marine Park.  The National Marine Park is highlighted in the Plymouth Plan as a key part of the ‘Growing’ and ‘International’ city aspirations – ‘Plymouth Sound, its estuaries and watersides are managed comprehensively as an economic, social and environmental asset of international renown……’

    The National Marine Park is also fully integrated within the Plymouth Visitor Plan (2020-30) and is seen as a key driver for Plymouth’s future visitor economy, which was adopted in March 2019 after extensive consultation.

  • Will the new National Marine Park lead to the development of National Policy?

    Our proposal is to work with stakeholders locally to create and deliver the Plymouth Sound National Marine Park. The Park will celebrate what we already have, amplify things we do well and find new and innovative ways to engage people with the marine and maritime environment. Our offer to government is to work alongside us as we pilot this approach, utilising the learning to enable policy to be formed nationally. Any future policy related to national marine parks would clearly be developed by national government and therefore would be subject to formal consultation.

  • Will the National Marine Park result in new restrictions for current uses?

    The National Marine Park is founded upon a collaborative way of working that will complement existing uses, enhance communication and work with successful and established frameworks already within Plymouth Sound. The aspiration to develop greater public connection to the marine and maritime environments is hoped to benefit Place, People and Planet.

    The National Marine Park will not create new restrictions for water users. Plymouth Sound is already one of the most highly designated sites. It includes a Special Area of Conservation, a Special Protection Area, a Marine Conservation Zones plus numerous Sites of Special Scientific Interest and 3 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The site also boasts numerous protected heritage features. The intention is to create a local pilot that showcases and celebrates the successes of the National Marine Park and Britain’s Ocean City. Then alongside that offer to share our learning with central government.

  • Will there be new governance to support the creation of the National Marine Park?

    To support the creation of the National Marine Park new governance will be established, in the shape of a National Marine Park Board. The purpose of the Board will be to ensure that decisions on the creation and delivery of the Park are made collaboratively for the benefit of all users and stakeholders. The Board will include representatives from amongst the Navy, City Council, business sector, community, research and environmental organisations. The Board will be supported by a National Marine Park Working Group whose members will be established through the stakeholder workshops that are planned to take place to ensure all key interests are represented.

    The new governance arrangements will not replace existing forums and groups already successfully functioning within Plymouth Sound such as Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum and Port of Plymouth Marine Liaison Committee. The Board will be set up to add value and learn from the best practice operating models such as those aforementioned.

  • How is the National Marine Park funded?

    The National Lottery Heritage Fund

    The Plymouth Sound National Marine Park has been made possible thanks to money raised by National Lottery players, with the project receiving £11.6 million of funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Heritage Horizon Awards.

    The Heritage Horizon Awards were developed to support innovative projects that will revolutionise UK heritage and the Park was one of five projects to be awarded the funding in 2024.

    The Heritage Fund aims to inspire, lead and resource the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future.

    You can follow @HeritageFundUK on TwitterFacebook and Instagram

    UK Community Renewal Fund

    The National Marine Park project has also received some funding from the UK Government. This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.

    The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit

    Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership’s ‘Getting Building Fund’

    The Plymouth Sound National Marine Park received a grant of £625,000 from the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership’s ‘Getting Building Fund’ to make a number of capital improvements to the waterfront. This has included: installing or repairing slipways, steps and railings to give sea lovers a safer way into the water; installing a storm gate at Mount Batten; introducing life-saving defibrillators; and the introduction of swimming pontoons during the summer months.

    The Getting Building Fund is investing in shovel-ready infrastructure projects to create jobs and support economic recovery across the country. Projects funded include:

    • regeneration of town and city centres
    • green infrastructure and clean energy
    • transport and digital connectivity improvements
    • unlocking of housing and business sites
    • support for SMEs and learners

    All projects have been selected by Local Enterprise Partnerships and Mayoral Combined Authorities in each area and endorsed by the Housing Secretary.

    The Heart of the South West LEP secured a total allocation of £35.4 million from the Getting Building Fund – the highest allocation in the south west.

Plymouth Plastic Free Directory

The Plymouth Plastic Free Directory is a new initiative aimed at providing a comprehensive listing of businesses, organisations and communities who have made efforts to reduce their plastic use.

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“In the past Plymouth launched many great voyages that changed the history of the world. It is my hope that, in the future, people will look back at Plymouth as the ocean innovator that set the standard for National Marine Parks in Britain and across the globe.”

Lewis Pugh, UN Patron of the Oceans and Ambassador of Plymouth Sound National Marine Park

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