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Take part in a free two-part writing workshop at The Box this Easter in celebration of our much-loved painting, ‘A Fish Sale on a Cornish Beach’ by Stanhope Forbes.

Help us create a sound piece to capture the wonder of this cherished painting. Through the workshop you’ll write a short monologue and bring to life the weather-beaten fisherman in their sou’wester hats and smocks. Help tell the story of the hardworking fisherwomen in their shawls and traditional ‘towser’ aprons with a fleet of Cornish Luggers in the background.

The workshops will be led by renowned Playwright and Plymouth Laureate of Words, Laura Horton.

Over the two 90-minute sessions, Laura will guide you through the different stages of idea generation, playwriting techniques and editing with the aim that everyone will pen a 2-5 minute monologue.

There will also be an option to record the monologues as a legacy from the workshops, for visitors to listen to complete with sound effects of lapping waves and seagulls next to the painting.

Booking essential.

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