Getting as many people engaged with Plymouth Sound National Marine Park as possible will always be our paramount priority. If you can’t easily access the Sound, then we will bring it to you!
Tune in to the finale episode of our podcast: ‘Sounds Amazing’ season one. Now’s a perfect time to binge-listen to all 4 episodes if you’ve not found the time before!
For episode 3, PSNMP CEO Elaine Hayes is joined by Dr Pamela Buchan, Marine Social Scientist at Exeter University and Brigadier Mike Tanner, Naval Base Commander at Devonport Dockyard. Together they look at the historic role the Dockyard has played in Plymouth and its effect on the environment in and around Plymouth Sound. We also discover our guests’ passion for water and why the Brigadier’s physique prevented him from having a different career in the RAF…
Our ‘Sounds Amazing’ podcast is available on Spotify and Apple Podcast.