Getting as many people engaged with Plymouth Sound National Marine Park as possible will always be our paramount priority. If you can’t easily access the Sound, then we will bring it to you!
We all know the weather has been pretty drab, why not listen to our ‘Sounds Amazing’ podcast whilst you dodge the rain in the warmth of your own home.
Over the first two episodes, PSNMP CEO Elaine Hayes, has interviewed Councillor Tudor Evans and Paul Naylor. Together they share their experiences with Plymouth Sound National Marine Park and explore why it’s such a fantastic landmark for the UK.
For episode 3, we invite Hannah Harris from Plymouth Culture and Kerry Bidwell from Promoting Children in Plymouth and the Plymouth Drake Foundation. They discuss how culture fits within the context of a National Marine Park and ways of encouraging and helping poorer families to enjoy and engage with the sea. We also find out why Kerry believes every child should read a copy of the book, Stop Dropping Litter…!
Our ‘Sounds Amazing’ podcast is available on Spotify and Apple Podcast. Don’t miss out!