Today, on International Volunteers Day, we’re shining a spotlight on the incredible individuals who give their time, energy, and passion to support Plymouth Sound National Marine Park. Our volunteers are the heart and soul of everything we do, from keeping our coastline clean to helping others discover the wonders of the ocean. They inspire us daily with their dedication to protecting and celebrating our marine environment, and today, we want to say a massive thank you for all that they do. Let’s celebrate their amazing contributions and the difference they make!

A little bit from Tim
‘From the moment that I first heard about the National Marine Park I was excited to find out more about it, and to understand how I could get involved. I have always had a spiritual connection with the sea, acquired over more than ten years as a merchant navy officer roaming the oceans, and I felt a very strong need to be near the sea when I retired.
The reason that I wanted to get involved was to try and share my passion for all things ‘sea’ with other people, however, I soon learned that other people had so much that they wanted to share with me, and that started some beautiful conversations. I love the public engagement sessions, like Seafest. We meet such a broad range of people, from a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds, and our rangers have diverse experiences and interests too. It is never boring!
I can’t say that I have definitely had a positive impact on any of the people who I have met, I hope that I have. However, I can definitely say that the people who I have met have had a massive positive impact on me, I continue to learn so much, and I am energised by the love which so many express for their dose of ‘Vitamin Sea’.’
Meet another one of our volunteers, Lilah
‘Hi, I’m Lilah and I started volunteering with PSNMP because as a university student here in Plymouth I wanted to gain some external experience and get to know the city a bit more and the range of volunteering opportunities with the National Marine Park really interested me.
All the different activities we get to be a part of and also all the people, other volunteers, or members of the public we get to meet are definitely the most rewarding parts for me! This volunteering has taught me so much about Plymouth and what it means to be the UK’s first National Marine Park. It’s so exciting to be involved with something that’s still growing and providing opportunities to loads of different people which is something you can really feel no matter what you find yourself doing.’
Here’s Lloyd and his insight into being a volunteer with us
‘I have been involved with a number of volunteering roles with Plymouth City Council in past. Having fully retired I was looking to get more involved and was excited about the whole Marine Park idea. I’ve met a wide range of different people and I get to do some really interesting stuff which is helping the wider Plymouth community. It’s also good fun, well run and flexible enough to never clash with my other commitments.
Seeing such a wide range of people become more interested in what the National Marine Park is trying to achieve does have an impact. A number of people I have spoken to have applied to volunteer and using contacts from other organisations has helped join up some activities around the city. It would be fantastic to think that you are helping the project make Plymouth both nationally and internationally recognised for its management of its marine environment.’

As we celebrate International Volunteers Day, we want to extend our absolutely massive thanks to each and every one of our incredible volunteers. Your passion, dedication, and hard work make a real difference—not just for Plymouth Sound National Marine Park but for everyone who enjoys and benefits from our beautiful marine environment. Whether it’s through conservation work, community outreach, or simply sharing your love for the sea, you’re helping us build a brighter future for our oceans. Here’s to you, our volunteers—thank you for everything you do!
Meet the Coastal Ranger team!
Nick Helm – Coastal Ranger and volunteers lead: Take a dive into the life of a ‘wild child’
Jess Stevens – Coastal Ranger: Find out about her work in Borneo here
Jes Hirons – Coastal Ranger: Read on to discover her sailing adventures
Millie Groom – Assistant Coastal Ranger: Discover her passion for environmental conservation
Tom Wise – Assistant Coastal Ranger: Follow his career progression from green to blue